Lézard de Venise

Venice brass band


Once in the Serenissima, hop on a Vaporetto, passing under the Rialto Bridge on your way to Piazza San Marco. You'll gaze at the timeless palaces lining the canals. A little further on, winding lanes let you glimpse linen drying on strings, like notes strung on a musical staff by Vivaldi. In the Grand Canal, a few gondolas sway in your boat's wake. A little further on, you begin to make out the tower of St. Mark's Basilica. But more surprisingly, you hear drums!
As you disembark, someone puts their hands in front of your eyes. You move forward, the sound of drums gets closer. You step forward again, the sound of drums enveloping you and making you vibrate. Patience, you're almost there, just a few more metres. The rhythm of the drums becomes captivating, intoxicating, the ground begins to tremble beneath your feet. You feel transported to Rio de Janeiro!
Now open your eyes! You're in the heart of Venice Carnival, in front of the "Lézard Tape" Batucada, decked out in sumptuous, brightly-colored costumes and Venetian masks that lend a touch of mystery to each musician.
You'll let yourself go, dance, sing and savor the tasty blend of Venetian romanticism and Brazilian sensuality known as the "Lizard of Venice".
As you pass under the Bridge of Sighs, you'll leave with an array of memories, lulled by the song of your gondolier.
Listen, you hear...your carnival is calling!

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