Los Torpillos

To fight against low mood, call Los Torpillos !


If you feel some sorrow, some little sadness, or you're feeling blue, react and call Los Torpillos : a concentrate of Vitamin C, removing your wrinkles better than a lifting, more efficient than an old wives' tale. Los Torpillos are just dynamite ! 
Warning : a prolonged contact with 'torpillodés' radiations can trigger a strong dependancy as well as some unwelcomed hilarious effects : In this case, contact your doctor. 
Los Torpillos is a brassband composed of 9 musicians (saxophonists, alto, tenor, trumpettists, trombonists, mellophones, soubassophonists, bass drum and snare drum) that plays everything but the traditionnal repertory of the brassbands ! From Lenny Kravitz to Frank Zappa, with Duke Ellington in betweenn not to mention some compositions in funk, afro, ska genres, energy and great moods linking all this music genres.


Los Torpillos clip vidéo

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