Lézard Olympique

Olimpic brass band


In the dressing room, the Batucada "Lézard Tape" gets ready. Each percussionist proudly sports his or her favorite outfit. Everyone warms up while listening to the coach's latest recommendations.
Meanwhile, in the stands, the colorful supporters display their banners in support of their sportsmen and women, and launch an "Ola" that circles the stadium at sprinter's speed.
The Batucada enters the stadium, playing a funk rhythm worthy of the best American marching bands, which raises the athletes' adrenalin levels.
In a cloud of smoke, the Tifosis accompany them with their foghorns, rattles and horns.
Arriving in front of the presidential grandstand, "Lézard Tape" begins a "Klap" in a very slow cadence, immediately taken up by thousands of synchronized spectators, before gradually accelerating to end in an apotheosis of applause.
In the stands, a group of aficionados, impatient to see their champions take to the field, burst into an "Ooooooh, oh, oh, oooh, oh" transformed into a Samba by the Batuqueiros.
Once the lap has been completed, the Batucada Mestre blows his whistle to signal the end of the performance and make way for the athletes.
The countdown is on, we're in the starting-blocks, and we're just waiting for you to send us off to liven up your competition.

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